The first enterprise website I will be looking at is online Jewellery boutique DollyBowBow. Founded and created by Youtuber and blogger Kate Murnane in 2010, her accessories were inspired by her love of all things vintage, quirky and kitsch. Due to Kates popularity on Youtube she is able to communicate with customers and potential customers through a strong social media presence. Images of her products are posted on the companies Instagram and Twitter pages, or Kates own personal page.

The second enterprise blog/website I will be looking at is SourceFed.com. Created in 2012 by Philip DeFranco, SourceFed is a news website created to compliment the Sourcefed Youtube channel. Created as part of Youtubes $100 million USD original channel initiative, Defranco revealed that he acquired the funding to launch the channel by originally promising YouTube that the channel would be run as a "celebrity gossip channel", and that it would consist of a single show rather than multiple different shows. However, DeFranco negotiated for less funding, in return to have creative control over the channel's content. Hailed as the future of news, SourceFed.com is a way for fans to view a roundup of all the weeks news stories as well as extra content. Social media plays a very important role in the expension of the SourceFed & Defranco brand and this feautures heavily on the website, with trackers to show the volume of followers per network.
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